Monday, June 25, 2007

Who has seen KNOCKED UP?

Okay. I just saw Knocked Up yesterday... the movie that just came out about the couple that had a one night stand and ended up pregnant. The movie is all about pregnancy and it is pretty accurate. All of the emotions, conversations, reactions, etc that both the woman and the man had were right on... my favorites were the sex scene and the "fat cow" scene... it is ALL true. The part that disturbed me the most was the birth scene. Of course I know it is going to hurt... yada yada yada... what disturbed me was the "crowning". I know that something larger than my vaginal opening is going to force its way out... but... I didn't realize what it would look like. Before I saw the movie, I just thought that my vaginal opening would part like the red sea (ew) all peaceful and widening to make way for the baby... but... I didn't know that it would look like one of those rubber money purses (the ones with a slit down the middle that you squeeze to get the coins out) with something the size of a basketball pushing against it and TURNING IT INSIDE OUT! Honestly, I was crying in the movie theatre. I was laughing and crying at the same time... I got control of myself.. but I really think when you go to your medical provider and tell them that you are going off birth control they should be honest with you about WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOUR BODY. If I had seen that scene before we got pregnant... I wouldn't be getting pregnant any time soon. I'd get much more information about what will actually happen. I mean, I always thought I was pretty well informed but I had to go to a blockbuster movie at a theatre 29 weeks pregnant (no turning back now) to find out. I was crying. Really... tears running down my face.

Ben turned to me last night after we got home and asked for permission to not watch the live birth film that we are going to watch at our Birthing Class. He said after seeing that shocking preview of what is going to happen to my body that he would prefer to go into birth blind so he doesn't have to know that it will get worse than what he is seeing at the time. I gave him permission and told him to promise to stay at my top end during birth... I don't want his perception of my vagina to be tainted by birth.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

27.5 week belly button update

Well, I keep meaning to post some pictures from our trip into New Mexico's Gila Wilderness but life has been so hectic with work! I do want to do a quick update on the belly button...

So, for a while now my belly button has been flat and it has looked like a round scar on my belly. Ben and I have been eargerly waiting for it to pop out. On Monday I had to pee so badly and I waddled to the bathroom and was so excited to see that my belly button was out! YAY! Finally! I sat down to do #1, all the while admiring my new outie, and I my jaw slowly dropped as my belly button slowly deflated to a flat belly button at the same rate that I was peeing!

Fortunately, the next day my belly button found its way out again and seems to be staying out... how far it portrudes does vary on how full my stomach or bladder is, though. So weird.

As of 26.5 weeks I have gained 21 lbs... Yikes!

More later...