Thursday, October 11, 2007

Memoirs of a Factory Cow

So, I breastfed today and last night and yesterday and the night before... it's what I do. Last night was actually pretty awesome because she slept from 8:30 pm to 3:30 am - that is SIX hours! Of course, I was awake because my breasts had filled and were heavy and leaking and I was worried about why Maxine hadn't woken up to eat yet! Really, I breast feed and then if I want to work out or run an errand I have to leave immediately after the feeding and get my a** back to the house in an hour and a half or we run the risk of a serious hunger problem. I actually have started trying to pump in between feedings so there is milk stored for Ben to feed her if I don't make it back in time. Days I pump are all about the boobs... they are either in her mouth or hooked up to the machine. It has taken me a while (and several conversations with my lactation consultant sister) to understand that I won't run out of breast milk - I was worried if I pumped that i would be taking away from the next feeding. My sister has informed me that breasts produce based on demand. If they are asked to produce by baby or machine they produce (jeanne, did I get it right?). Yesterday she had a marathon feed - like 4 hours - and everyone says it was probably a "growth spurt"... my boobs were so sore. I have never been so aware of my breasts until now...
The pictures above of Maxine in the green diaper are her doing her morning exercises and interpretive dancing. These pictures were actually taken the Friday after she was born and I was so impressed with how active and happy she was - she was very focused on her moves. Little did I know she was working up her first Poo! It was memorable and LOUD! Nice job Maxine... good to know the pipes work. Since the first poo there have been many... I have seen them all.

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