Saturday, December 29, 2007
Maxine's First Christmas
Well, Maxine went up to the White Mountains in Arizona to celebrate Christmas. Her cousins Ben and Henry were there... isn't this a great photo of the three of them? Maxine can't wait to have a photo of her and her cousins Ande, Sophie and Joey - they live in upstate New York.
As a good employee of a conservation organization, Maxine's mom helped cut down Maxine's first Christmas tree. The adventure of cutting it down was fantastic... probably not worth the guilt felt afterwards, though. Her dog Rana and her Uncle's dog Cash went. In July Rana woke up paralyzed due to a rupture disk. Maxine's parents prided themselves on having a $12 dog (Since her mom worked at the Humane Society they only made them pay for the license). The surgery after Rana's injury made her the $5000 dog... yes, she is now PEDIGREE. But, look at these photos... wasn't it worth it?!
Since the surgery Rana's back legs have taken on a mind of their own... when she skids to a hault hey usually fly past her head and they sort of run to a beat of their own. But, that doesn't stop her...
Okay, back to Maxine's mom teaching Maxine how important it is to protect the environment and reduce deforestation...
Maxine's FIRST Christmas tree!!!!!
Maxine loved Christmas. All of the attention from her Grandparents, cousins, Auntie and Uncle left her smiling all day long. She even got a new play mat!!! Fancy pants.
Earlier we posted a picture of Maxine screaming and hitting her Uncle Nick. They have obviously made up!
Christmas tired out Maxine and her mom. They needed a nap...
Maxine is currently sitting next to me as I type this. We have her in her pack and play. She is yelling and laughing and kicking her legs up. Any day now she will roll over... she is trying so hard. She loves her mobile at home. Since we didn't bring it her grandma gerry made one by sticking Christmas ornaments in a roll of wrapping paper and balancing it over her pak-n-play. I will post a picture of it soon... I am sure that her pediatrician would freak out. This is probably not the safest child toy...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The SMARTest baby!
Maxine's first Christmas was wonderful! I am still putting together the post and will have photos up by the end of the week. I just had to share this picture with the bloggers. Isn't she SMART?! Aaaaawwwwwwwww.
I am thinking I need to write the 5 millionth book on pregnancy called "What really happens to you." Yes, this may be too much information, again... but, you know how they say that if a new mother is breastfeeding she can enjoy a long period of time menstrationless? Nonsense... 100% nonsense. I think there are myths out there so women will get pregnanct faster because there are all of these mythical "physical perks"... stay tuned... my book is a-comin'.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
3 months and laughing!
Oh my god... my daughter is adorable! I keep telling myself that I will tell her she is smart before I tell her how adorable and beautiful she is. But... she is so beautiful!
So, she has been moving and shaking so much. She is so close to rolling over! When we put her on her changing table she just moves and shoves and kicks... I left her in her crib the other day and when I returned her head was where her feet were when I left her!
Maxine's grandma Gerry is Ben's mom. This is a picture of the two of them together. The other photo is of Maxine and Nica - our good friends', Kate and Anthony, little girl. She is 3 weeks younger than Maxine. We went to Phoenix to visit Nica and Kate and maxine just stared and Nica! Now she stares at all babies and actually laughed for the first time one week ago when she say Evie! So adorable...I mean SMART.
Maxine hates her stroller. We try and trick her by getting her to sleep in it. What will we do with a fancy jogging stroller if she hates it????
Maxine's Dad's Navajo Code Talker coloring book was released this month and he did several signings. One at Barnes and Noble and the other at the Arizona Historical Society's book fair! It is selling a lot! His Caves coloring book also came out this month... if you are interested in it go to Barnes and Noble or buy it from his website... the link is at the right.
Physical therapy is pretty much over. I have to continue my exercises but I haven't peed myself in three weeks. Victory! I didn't mention this earlier but my therapist also found I had a but of a diastisis (?). My ab muscles had separated and she could fit two fingers between them (ew). So, I was told to stop sit ups and any yoga positions that stretch my abs because that will pull them further apart (ew, again). I have been doing some exercises to bring them back together. I can only fit one finger between them now so that is good news! I can't wait until I am normal again...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
90th Percentile and Stress Incontinence
Yes. As the title to this blog shows... birth is the gift that keeps on giving. I went for a run a few weeks ago and peed myself... I didn't know I had to go, it was just like my urethra opened up like a water slide. The midwife told me that it may be a one time thing and maybe running on the road because of the high impact did it. So, I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. It felt great! I ran for 25 minutes then did some weights... it felt like I was back! When I got home I discovered that I had peed myself, soaked the overnight pad I had put on just in case (the ones that stretch from your belly button to your lower back). The stain on my pants was huge with a dry spot in the middle shaped like the pad. I am now in physical therapy... if anything else happens I may just need plain therapy. I go through thinking it is funny and not a big deal to being angry about everything that has happened (pregnancy to this). But, (prepare to roll your eyes and gag) one look at Maxine makes it all fade into the background... even the hemorrhoids (Was that too much?).
Maxine has been smiling so much. She is, most of the time, such a happy baby. Many of the following pictures re of her crying and yelling and I think we have taken those photos because they are so cute. But, in general, she is full of smiles. She crinkles her nose up and her eyes curve up into the shape of a rainbows. I can't wait to hear her laugh. She is so close... A week and a half ago she noticed her right hand for the first time. I was changing her diaper and she was totally quiet. I looked up and she was just staring at her fist like it just showed up right then! This past Wednesday she finally noticed the left hand and her expression read, "There is ANOTHER one?!"
Maxine went to her 2 month appt three days ago and got her shots (ow). She was weighed and measured and her head size and weight are in the 90th percentile (Martha and Ryan, you can now compare things to the size of Maxine's head, too... she takes after her momma). Her height is the 60th percentile. I asked the doctor if her weight being in the 90th percentile meant she is fat and he said, "There is no such thing as a fat baby." So diplomatic.
She has been doing a lot of tummy time (she sort of hates it). Her neck is getting so strong and I don't know what I will do whens she rolls over for the first time. Because she is starting to notice things more her grandma Gerry got her a mobile for her bed. We can now lay her down, totally awake, and she will just stare, smile and coo at the little fuzzy birds above her bed. So neat.
As you know, Ben is Mr. Mom. I have tried working from home as much as I can and when I do I get glimpses of Ben's and Maxine's day together... here is what I have observed.
So, Maxine had her first Halloween and she was going to be a little leopard. As you can see her costume was too small... probably because of that 90th percentile thing. Maxine also had her first Thanksgiving and it was hosted at her Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's home. It was so yummy. We have been visiting the cabin in the White Mountains regularly. The photo in the right upper corner is us there after we finally moved furniture into it. It is so cozy. And the bottom picture is of Uncle Nick and Maxine. He has such a way with children.
Grandpa Jim is so much fun. He plays with Maxine while she is on her Ikea mat playing and doing tummy time. He also loves to hold Maxine...
Maxine went to her first Day of the Dead parade the first weekend of November. Tucson really knows how to do it. I love the costumes, masks and floats. We went with Kelly, Patrick, Evie, Uncle Nick, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Chris. Next year maybe we will dress Maxine up and walk in the procession.
Monday, October 29, 2007
6 Weeks: Asleep and Smiling
When Maxine sleeps I have seen her arms and legs pop up over the bassinet edge and just hang out there. When I go to see if she is awake she isn't... her legs and arms are just straight up in the air. Here are some photos of her sleeping... she looks like she is bring held up!
Maxine also has started smiling at us - she was smiling before but it was in her sleep or when she poo'd. Now she actually smiles AT US. It is adorable because she goes crossed eyed and gets this huge grin on her face. So cute.
I went back to work today. The worst part was the build up to going back to work. All this past weekend I was like, "I am not ready." I was getting worked up in the preparation with going back. This morning was tough because I didn't want to leave her and Ben. I pumped milk so Ben would have some fresh on top of the frozen milk I have stocked up. I breastfed and then I took off. Once I was in the car and making the familiar drive to work I was fine. Plus, there is so much going on that I didn't have much time to sit around and worry. Pumping and work was not too bad... helps that I have a lock on my office door. I called Ben and, of course, they were fine. I made it home for lunch and to breast feed - I want to breast feed as much as possible to avoid having to supplement with formula too early. I am not really planning to supplement but every working mom I have spoken with had to supplement after a while because they just didn't produce enough through pumping. So, I want to prolong having to do that... I informed the staff that I would be working from home more often than I normally would for the next 6 weeks (she will be 3 months then). I hope I am lucky and am able to provide only breastmilk for a very long time but I understand that I may have to do a combination in a few months... we will deal with that when it comes.
Hopefully, Maxine will continue to be such a good sleeper... she gets me up anywhere from 1 to 4 times night which is better than every hour! I am tired and have to think harder about what comes out of my mouth - sentence structure, etc - but today was doable and I think I had to get through today to understand that I can do it! Yep, we have moved on to a new phase - "Post-Maternity Leave." Stay tuned for stories on Ben being Mr. Mom...
Monday, October 22, 2007
5 Weeks Old!
Maxine is 5 weeks today! We left 10 days ago for our "Baby Moon". We rented a house in Truth or Consequences New Mexico... the house was right on the Rio Grande with a private hot spring overlooking it. What better way to learn to take care of baby?? We still get little sleep but being someplace we can relax and enjoy our surroundings has been wonderful. Truth or Consequences is an unfortunate town with a lot of potential... luckily we had our little oasis and lacked the energy to really venture out. Our time was spent there taking care of baby, reading, fishing and soaking. So nice.
Now we are in the White Mountains in Arizona. Ben's mom just purchased this cabin. It is fantastic - not furnished yet - but fantastic! We have been sitting by the fire, watching the geese in the pond and the elk cross the valley... it is great. Tomorrow we return to Tucson and I will post more often. I have so much to write about and so little time to write in... in fact, I can hear Maxine waking and filling her diaper as I write... enjoy the photos (Ben and I were trying to teach Maxine to roll on to her belly and back...)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Memoirs of a Factory Cow
So, I breastfed today and last night and yesterday and the night before... it's what I do. Last night was actually pretty awesome because she slept from 8:30 pm to 3:30 am - that is SIX hours! Of course, I was awake because my breasts had filled and were heavy and leaking and I was worried about why Maxine hadn't woken up to eat yet! Really, I breast feed and then if I want to work out or run an errand I have to leave immediately after the feeding and get my a** back to the house in an hour and a half or we run the risk of a serious hunger problem. I actually have started trying to pump in between feedings so there is milk stored for Ben to feed her if I don't make it back in time. Days I pump are all about the boobs... they are either in her mouth or hooked up to the machine. It has taken me a while (and several conversations with my lactation consultant sister) to understand that I won't run out of breast milk - I was worried if I pumped that i would be taking away from the next feeding. My sister has informed me that breasts produce based on demand. If they are asked to produce by baby or machine they produce (jeanne, did I get it right?). Yesterday she had a marathon feed - like 4 hours - and everyone says it was probably a "growth spurt"... my boobs were so sore. I have never been so aware of my breasts until now...
The pictures above of Maxine in the green diaper are her doing her morning exercises and interpretive dancing. These pictures were actually taken the Friday after she was born and I was so impressed with how active and happy she was - she was very focused on her moves. Little did I know she was working up her first Poo! It was memorable and LOUD! Nice job Maxine... good to know the pipes work. Since the first poo there have been many... I have seen them all.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
34B to 36D (Booyakasha!)
So, I have tried to sit down and update the blog with all of the photos we have been taking. I have learned, however, that parenthood means that you are lucky to get even 60% of what you intend completed in a day. The blog has suffered... I will be better.
Since Maxine was born we have had some pretty LARGE changes... my milk came in and I am now a 36D (whoop! whoop!), Maxine had her first bath - which she just LOVED, as you can see, we visited the Pediatrician and she gained 1 lb since milk started flowing, her sleep schedule bogglesthe mind and we just pray for her to continue with the 4 to 5 hour sleeps at night (last night was wonderful), Maxine has been out to three restaurants (yum!), her head and neck control are great, we have tummy time daily, and she already aced her SATs (Suckas!). Okay, she hasn't taken the SATs but she is absolutely adorable... she kicks and does exercises every morning (signature move: windmill arm). Her first poo was incredible... I mean, when the milk comes in and the newborn has its first milk poo it makes sure it is memorable. I had it on my arms and belly and side. It seems that anytime Maxine has a "Poo-splosion" I am the one on duty (or "Dooty" - hah). How has Ben so cleverly avoided the leaky poos?
I have also learned that I cannot dress my child... I was in tears I was laughing so hard at the "warm" outfit I threw on her for an evening walk... Blue Zoot pants, Canada hat and onesie - nice job, Mom.
Until I can figure out how to post pictures in between the text all of my entries will be this long list of photos. I will call my blog-genius friend Kelly to help me through this...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Castor Oil = Maxine
So, the day I had my membranes swept Ben and I waited anxiously for the labor that never came. I was reaching 41 weeks (1 week past my due date) and would have to start having appointments at the hospital to do a non-stress test, amniotic fluid check and schedule and induction for Thursday 9/20. This is all absolutely not what I wanted but was becoming more and more resigned to it. So, in our last ditch effort to avoid the hospital procedure and potential medical intervention, I took castor oil on Sunday 9/16.
It was recommended by the midwife. If you take between 2 to 4 oz you will cause yourself to have diarrhea which can get the uterus contracting. Now, I was nervous about doing this and worried that it would be harmful, etc etc etc. We both researched castor oil and decided that so many people wouldn't swear by it and the midwife wouldn't recommend it if it was terribly dangerous. I just knew that I would have to be very conscious of staying hydrated. So, we mixed frozen orange juice and vanilla ice cream with 2 oz of castor oil. Anyone that believes that castor oil gives you horrible, severe diarrhea has never traveled to the developing world before! It was nothin'! I was laughing on the toilet because It was so pain-free and mild.
I had taken the castor oil at 8:00 am and by 6:00 pm I had completely flushed it out of my system and no contractions, of course. Oh well... we decided that it probably wasn't going to work but decided that i should take one more ounce and then just prepare for our hospital appointments the next morning. I had a little bit of diarrhea and then we went to bed at 10 pm.
I woke up at 11 with some contractions but it was nothing, I was sure, and went back to sleep. At midnight I woke to a painful contraction (I laugh at "painful" now) and was still convinced it was a false alarm like the contractions I had been having for the past week and a half. Nonetheless, I started timing them... they were 8 minutes apart. I decided to take a bath and see how and if they progressed. By 1:30 am I woke up Ben and told him I was having regular contractions and he got up with me to time them. By 2:30 am they were painful enough that I couldn't talk or walk during them and they were anywhere from 3 to 5.5 minutes apart. We decided to call the birth center.
We got there by 3:30 am and the midwife, Jenna, checked my cervix and it was 6 cm dialated! Only 4 more to go! I climbed into the tub and that is when they started getting really intense. I was holding onto Ben and the tub and my only relief was the few minutes between the contractions. That period is a godsend and if there is a name for that time I need to know it because it was what kept me sane. The contractions got so intense and painful that I just rested and focused on myself and staying quite, still and calm during the relief period. I was aware of people and conversations occurring around me but I couldn't participate and didn't respond to anyone or anything... was totally focused and I believe that is called "being in Laborland."
By 5 am, Bree (our friend from Peace Corps and nurse/midwife) checked my cervix and it was already dialated to 8 cm. This was amazing... I knew that my labor was progressing very quickly and that, even though I found myself considering it in my mind, I couldn't get meds because I was moving so fast. There was very little chance of a 24 hour labor or something else mammoth like that - to all the women that have had hours and hours of labor, you are rock stars.
Bree informed me that I had to urinate and I was so not wanting to get out of the tub but between contractions we moved me to the toilet where I urinated and labored for maybe an hour. Now, this is the most interesting part - I always thought that when you want to push isn't when you are supposed to push but that isn't the case. Your body tells you and makes you push... while I was in the bathroom I started grunting and I remember thinking that I shouldn't push but I couldn't help it. At that point, Bree told me to go back to the tub (i had intended to have a water birth) but I didn't want to do that - I really wanted to go home because I had changed my mind - I didn't want to do this anymore). I ended up on the bed lying on my left side with my right leg in the air. It was 6 am when I started pushing. I remember screaming but Ben said it was more of a very loud, high pitched grunt. The midwife, now Fran, and Bree told me I needed to make a lower sound when I grunt and push so I would be pushing from lower than up in my chest. At this point, I could take coaching but no response and all I wanted to do was go to sleep and just stop and, of course, I couldn't. So, when the next contraction came I grunted low and pushed. I kept doing that and then Fran told me to grab my right leg and pull it toward myself as a counterpressure to my bearing down. That was hard - Ben helped me. I knew that when Bree put her gloves on it meant that I would be close and I watched for that cue... it was all I hoped for. I also watched the clock. I know that women can push for hours on end and it was maddening, terrible, painful... When I would get a "good push" in Bree would tell me and I would do that again the next time. I remember seeing them getting out the birthing supplies and I felt a little more energy because I knew I was close. Then there was the "ring of fire" (Johnny Cash's song has a whole new meaning to me)... yep, when baby's head starts moving through my vagina. Oh my god. It was awful. I remember the period of relief coming between the contractions but in this case I had to just sit there with the head burning and wait for the next contraction. They kept asking if I wanted to feel it or if I wanted a mirror and all I could do was say something inaudible resembling "hell no". I was so afraid that if I reached down and touched it I would be discouraged because the head would only be just peeking through... but I finally reached down and the head was totally out! Oh my gawd! That is what gave me the final burst of energy to push and then they told me to just keep pushing regardless of contractions and our baby came out. She placed the baby directly on my belly and started to feed. I kept asking "What is it? What is it?" I had no energy to lift and look. They had Ben hold the baby up and he said he didn't know (He was just as overwhelmed as I was). Finally someone moved the cord and told us we had a daughter. Ben got to cut the cord. I just cried. I was so overwhelmed by what I had just experienced and the fact that the baby finally came and actually LOOKED like a baby... it was amazing.
Maxine Alexandra Ilka was born at 7:59 am. She is 7 lbs 15 oz and 21.25 inches long!
I had some minor hemorrhaging after the birth and they had to massage my uterus (ow) and put me on an Oxytocin IV drip. When they made me get up to urinate (if I didn't urinate they would have to give me a catheter (hell no)) I almost passed out and ended up spending an hour on the floor because I couldn't move.
We stayed at the birth center until 8:00 pm and then brought Maxine home to our wonderful, protective dog, welcoming cat and grandma who had made us dinner.
Ben was a magnificent partner during the labor and delivery. He was encouraging, understanding and so supportive. I think it is so important to say that... I think birth partners can be overlooked (for good reason in some cases!) and he definitely should not be. I will do my best to remind him every day of how wonderful he has been during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and, so far, parenthood.
I will keep posting all about our wonderful daughter's life with us...
Past My Due Date...
Well, since I wrote the faux-news article below I have had some pretty crazy ups and downs. My due date (9/10) came and went. I have had contractions since Wed Sept 5 but no labor. I started having regular contractions on Wed 9/12 and decided to take Black Cohosh which is an herb that causes contractions and can help get labor going if you are already having some... There is a picture of me in the black tank top and skirt holding the herb... it is disgusting. I went in to the birth center that wednesday to have my membranes swept and I wasn't dialated at all which meant they couldn't do a sweep. So discouraging!
On Thursday I was talking to my good friend Martha on skype and started having semi-painful contractions! I was so excited and after an hour decided to go and lay down to start timing them... I slept through the night. So frustrating because no contractions happened after I spoke with her.
I woke up the next day so down. I started mentally preparing myself for a scheduled induction at the hospital, releasing any dreams of having a natural child birth at the birth center... blah blah blah. We went to the birth center for a check up, to schedule our appointments at the hospital, etc. My cervix was dialated 3 to 4 cm!!!! So I had them swept and the midwife said that I would be having a baby before Monday! Woo hoo! She also said that i could go home and take some castor oil to get things going. Ben and I decided to hold off on that in the hopes that labor would happen because of the membrane sweep. So, we went home to wait...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Woman Destined to be Pregnant Forever
Annie Wallace of Tucson, Arizona first discovered she was pregnant in January 2007. When her due date in early September 2007 came and went she thought she was just late. However, after consulting with her doctors it appears that it is unlikely that Ms. Wallace will ever actually give birth. The characteristics of her unique uterus have baffled the doctors. Its elasticity has no bounds and, therefore, as she ages the fetus will as well. Now, whether the fetus will grow to toddler, teenage, adult sizes is yet to be determined. Scientists are thrilled to have the opportunity to observe Annie and her unusual condition. Annie has already begun consulting with authorities as to whether she will be able to have two votes once her fetus reaches 18 years and whether she will have to abstain from alcohol until the fetus is 21 years. When asked her feelings on her unique condition Annie said, "I am just s happy that I won't be like other mothers that worry about their children when they go to school or out with friends. I will always know where my baby is," as she pats and gazes lovingly at her growing belly.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Still Pregnant After All These Years
Well, I am 38 weeks and 2 days... which means my due date is 1 week and 5 days away.
I have found myself singing "Still Crazy" by Paul Simon but I have changed the lyrics to "Still Pregnant"... Last Friday I realized that I would never not be pregnant. This is the new me... I will be this way forever. My friend and nurse/midwife, informed me this is the final stage of emotions before birth... so, that means I am done, right?
I had some teaser contractions this past weekend that felt like mesntral cramps. I have been taking evening primrose oil, lots of walks and drinking tea with red raspberry leaf in it. Anything I can do to get this show on the road! My friend gave me some Black Cohosh that the midwife recommends I start next week... it is supposed to make me have small contractions so I am going to ask more questions about it before I take it.
Ben and I bought a Pinot Gris and a Pinot Grigio to celebrate after the birth with. We are definitely ready!
Ben has been so awesome throughout all of this. So patient and understanding. He has taken on so much of the housework, too. I know he is as ready as I am to move on from pregnancy!
Anyhow, as you can see, I am big...
Monday, August 13, 2007
36 Weeks: Barrel Cactus and Hormones in Bloom
Look how pretty the barrel cactus in our front yard is!
So, we started our birthing class, "Centering," in April. Since it has started there has been a clear separation among the participants: criers and non-criers. My insensitivity to the criers has had no boundaries in my head. There is one woman that has cried so much that the only time I have ever heard her speak is the first session... her husband has to talk for her every time because she is always crying. Of course, I am insensitive and not understanding. Well, my foot is officially in my mouth...
Sunday I had really low energy, felt sick with indigestion because my stomach is being sat on, and had all of these things I wanted to do but ended up on the couch. Ben told me to rest because most other pregnant women take tons of naps and I don't. So, I decided that was my permission slip to start watching America's Next Top Model. I started crying over the models' relationship issues and blubbering when one of them got kicked off... finally, I just turned the TV off. Ben was installing blinds in our main room and he got frustrated so I started crying. Then I started crying because I was crying. Then I was crying because I thought I would have post partum depression... the list goes on. I did laugh while I was crying because I was enough of myself to understand that it was hormones.
Anyhoo, today marks the beginning of our 36 weeks. We had our birth plan visit today. Basically we want me and the baby to be healthy... prefer to give birth naturally at the birth center and, if I am in the tub when it is time to push, have a water birth. But, I have been told that birth plans change so the more flexible you are going into it the less you will beat yourself up afterwards. I hope I really am flexible when it comes down to it (in more ways than one!).
We interviewed our first Pediatrician. Ben and I assumed it would be a no-brainer and waited until last Thursday to do it because how hard can it be? You just pick someone and then the interview is a formality, right? Well, I had such a negative reaction to this person. I always thought pediatricians were just really friendly, kid-crazy folks. If we sent our kid to this person it would be like sending it to an assembly line for pediatric care where it just gets passed from person to person like a piece of machinery. Of course, we are now scrambling to find someone we like because we need a pediatrician to see the baby withn 24 hours of birth... I'll keep you posted on this debacle.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
34.5 Weeks: Pregnant Together, At Last.
My sister, my nieces and brother in law came to Tucson to visit this past weekend. As you can see, Jeanne (my sister) is pregnant, too! She is due Oct 24 or 7 weeks after us.
My father bought a henna kit for us to decorate our bellies. Jeanne is protecting the henna with medical tape and mine is hanging out for all the world to see... Ben put a mathili snake on my belly.
We had a wonderful visit. My nieces are so much fun and it was great to see Jeanne and Adam. We enjoyed my parents' pool and I was able to pick my sister's brain since she is a labor and delivery nurse and lactation consultant. Bring on breastfeeding and labor now!
So, Ben and I have picked out the perfect boy name. We now have a name for a boy or a girl that we are both so happy about. It is weird because before we had a boy name that made us excited I was a little unsure as to whether I wanted a boy or not. But now that we have picked a name for a boy that we both are excited about I don't care if it is a boy or girl. I am glad to know that my uncertainty about having a boy was really about the names and not about actually the sex of the child. Phew!
In fact, our names are so cool that I think I will be bummed not use them both... maybe we should name it both of them. It won't care, right?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Nikhil's Wedding in Montana
We went to our friend's wedding from Peace Corps this past weekend. I have never been to Montana! It is beautiful. Ben and I want to go back to Northern Idaho some day, too. We stayed at this really cool Tent and Breakfast, had a fun road trip with Amanda and Tyler, saw 4 moose, and hung out with good friends. This picture is of the Peace Corps Nepal crew... we didn't get the groom, Nikhil, in there, though!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Paralyzed Dog, Leg Cramps and Veterinary Predictions
The day after our wonderful shower we woke up to Rana, our dog, not being able to move her back legs. She is a very athletic 4 year old with no known injuries! She is such a pampered pup and the three of us were terribly traumatized. We discovered that she had a herniated disk that caused a blood clot in her spine which caused her paralysis. She had emergency back surgery and came home two days later. We have a sling to hold up her back end while we take her out to the bathroom, etc. She is rapidly regaining movement in her hind legs but does not have strength or coordination. The doctor feels positive she will regain all of her movement back. He said this was probably caused because she is so active. So, once she is better (90 days or so) she will not be going on anymore long runs!
We took Rana to the vet to have her staples removed from her incision. The vet asked when I was due and when I told him september he gave my belly a sideways glance and said he thinks the doctor was wrong about the date. His prediction is the baby is comin' in August. Glad I am huge.
Finally, the other night I was dreaming I was eating this yummy potato salad that Ben made (everything is about food these days) and I received my first LEG CRAMP. OH MY GOD. I started screaming and flung myself across the bed and, ultimately, off of it - I don't think I actually opened my eyes until I was holding on to the bed for dear life. Ben woke up to his pregnant wife yelling and hanging off the side of the bed. He freaked out because he thought I had fallen coming back from the bathroom. All I could do was gasp, "Leg Cramp! Leg Cramp!" My sweet husband started massaging the opposite leg and then realized that my calf was so tense that veins were popping out and he started massaging that one... as it relaxed I slowly pulled myself back onto the bed and fell asleep. Thank goodness our bed is low to the floor or I may not have been able to hold on to the side for as long as I did.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Ben Nesting at 30 weeks and 6 days
I made pancakes and watermelon juice this morning. Our juicer wouldn't work. These photos are of me making pancakes and Ben taking the juicer apart to remove the broken safety valve so we could make juice. There is also a photo of him making juice... we are hoping to disconnect all safety features in the house before we have a child.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Baby Shower and Outie Debut!
On Saturday my parents, mother in law, sister in law, best friend from 2nd grade, and wonderful close friend from Tucson threw Ben and I shower. It was so much fun. They had a "Golden Pig" theme in honor of the Chinese Year of the Boar and Golden Pig. As you can see, my sister in law made a DELICIOUS pig cake. She is so talented. I have never really paid attention to how generous and thoughtful people are to new parents. I am so grateful and amazed at how many people came and the gifts we received. We are both still in shock from the thoughtfulness of our friends and family. If any of you are reading this now, thank you so much and it was wonderful to see you. I love parties!
My friend and former neighbor who lives in Seattle asked me to post a full-body shot with the belly. I just woke up and took this but it is pretty acccurate as to what I look like right now!
I am also taking the time to debut my outie belly button. See!
Top Ten Reasons Why Pregnant Women Are Not At Their Most Beautiful
10. Throwing up anytime, anything, anywhere (including on yourself)
9. Either grow a ton of body hair or you don't grow any at all
8. Get fat and can't/shouldn't do anything about it
7. Lose all self control when eating
6. Get pimples and/or dark blemish-like skin discolorations
5. Increased gas
4. Halitosis caused by hormones and increased mucus
3. Constipation and Hemroids
2. Threat of stretch marks and varicose veins
1. Colostrum (liquid that starts leaking out of boobs)
9. Either grow a ton of body hair or you don't grow any at all
8. Get fat and can't/shouldn't do anything about it
7. Lose all self control when eating
6. Get pimples and/or dark blemish-like skin discolorations
5. Increased gas
4. Halitosis caused by hormones and increased mucus
3. Constipation and Hemroids
2. Threat of stretch marks and varicose veins
1. Colostrum (liquid that starts leaking out of boobs)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Who has seen KNOCKED UP?
Okay. I just saw Knocked Up yesterday... the movie that just came out about the couple that had a one night stand and ended up pregnant. The movie is all about pregnancy and it is pretty accurate. All of the emotions, conversations, reactions, etc that both the woman and the man had were right on... my favorites were the sex scene and the "fat cow" scene... it is ALL true. The part that disturbed me the most was the birth scene. Of course I know it is going to hurt... yada yada yada... what disturbed me was the "crowning". I know that something larger than my vaginal opening is going to force its way out... but... I didn't realize what it would look like. Before I saw the movie, I just thought that my vaginal opening would part like the red sea (ew) all peaceful and widening to make way for the baby... but... I didn't know that it would look like one of those rubber money purses (the ones with a slit down the middle that you squeeze to get the coins out) with something the size of a basketball pushing against it and TURNING IT INSIDE OUT! Honestly, I was crying in the movie theatre. I was laughing and crying at the same time... I got control of myself.. but I really think when you go to your medical provider and tell them that you are going off birth control they should be honest with you about WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOUR BODY. If I had seen that scene before we got pregnant... I wouldn't be getting pregnant any time soon. I'd get much more information about what will actually happen. I mean, I always thought I was pretty well informed but I had to go to a blockbuster movie at a theatre 29 weeks pregnant (no turning back now) to find out. I was crying. Really... tears running down my face.
Ben turned to me last night after we got home and asked for permission to not watch the live birth film that we are going to watch at our Birthing Class. He said after seeing that shocking preview of what is going to happen to my body that he would prefer to go into birth blind so he doesn't have to know that it will get worse than what he is seeing at the time. I gave him permission and told him to promise to stay at my top end during birth... I don't want his perception of my vagina to be tainted by birth.
Ben turned to me last night after we got home and asked for permission to not watch the live birth film that we are going to watch at our Birthing Class. He said after seeing that shocking preview of what is going to happen to my body that he would prefer to go into birth blind so he doesn't have to know that it will get worse than what he is seeing at the time. I gave him permission and told him to promise to stay at my top end during birth... I don't want his perception of my vagina to be tainted by birth.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
27.5 week belly button update
Well, I keep meaning to post some pictures from our trip into New Mexico's Gila Wilderness but life has been so hectic with work! I do want to do a quick update on the belly button...
So, for a while now my belly button has been flat and it has looked like a round scar on my belly. Ben and I have been eargerly waiting for it to pop out. On Monday I had to pee so badly and I waddled to the bathroom and was so excited to see that my belly button was out! YAY! Finally! I sat down to do #1, all the while admiring my new outie, and I my jaw slowly dropped as my belly button slowly deflated to a flat belly button at the same rate that I was peeing!
Fortunately, the next day my belly button found its way out again and seems to be staying out... how far it portrudes does vary on how full my stomach or bladder is, though. So weird.
As of 26.5 weeks I have gained 21 lbs... Yikes!
More later...
So, for a while now my belly button has been flat and it has looked like a round scar on my belly. Ben and I have been eargerly waiting for it to pop out. On Monday I had to pee so badly and I waddled to the bathroom and was so excited to see that my belly button was out! YAY! Finally! I sat down to do #1, all the while admiring my new outie, and I my jaw slowly dropped as my belly button slowly deflated to a flat belly button at the same rate that I was peeing!
Fortunately, the next day my belly button found its way out again and seems to be staying out... how far it portrudes does vary on how full my stomach or bladder is, though. So weird.
As of 26.5 weeks I have gained 21 lbs... Yikes!
More later...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Annie's Belly at 24 Weeks
I have been told that my belly is a lot larger than it was when I posted my first belly shot. So, here it is.
I have been feeling "malachi" kick and seeing the skin on my belly pop up when he/she does. It is so strange!
Since I posted the previous message I have transitioned to expecting a boy! I guess I will be spending equal time thoughout the pregnancy expecting one or the other. First 4.5 months I expected a girl and the last 4.5 months I will expect a boy. Go figure.
My belly button is officially on the outs... you can't see it in the photo but I am sure in the next photo it will be more prominent. So weird that the belly button pops! I wonder if it will hurt...
Ben and I have started talking about items we need to buy for the baby... this is a huge step. We actually reached a point where we realized we need to get a crib. Both of us must have come to the conclusion that all of this is REALLY happening.
I saw too of my favorite people, Amanda and Chris, last week. I am so lucky to have such great friends and I can't wait to introduce "malachi" to them. Even more, I think that the close friendships that Ben and I have will set great examples for "malachi" and her/his relationships. I had a dream the other day that I had a little girl and she was going through puberty and hated me (like most pubescent girls hate their mothers)... she told me she wanted to go to New York to visit "Auntie" Amanda. I called Amanda and informed her that my child wanted to visit and obviously had something going on... She visited Amanda and was able to talk with her about all of the things she wouldn't talk with me about... I thought it was pretty cool. I hope that my friends, sister and sister in law are able to step in when Ben and I are obviously not who our child wants to deal with! (I guess I hope more that our child skips puberty... but I will be disappointed if I expect that!).
Anyhooo, enjoy the naked photo of my belly.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A Boy or A Girl?
Well, I have been thinking a lot about this. I guess I am expecting a girl (probably because I have a sister and she has two girls... it has always been girls on my side of the family). I was worried because I am "expecting" a girl that I may be disappointed if a boy slides out. So, I have been doing a little visualization exercises and imagining one or the other. I have been doing this for over a month because I want to know if I actualy do have a preference.
So, I sit and imagine I am leaning against Ben, who is helping me hold my knees by my shoulders (I don't know if that will really happen or CAN really happen... it is just what I visualize) and I am sweating and feeling an intense pressure and pain as a baby the size of watermelon squeezes through my pelvis and out comes this gooey, crying little girl. I feel (tired) a warm, "I have been expecting you," feeling and bring her to my chest to hold and hug and, yes, kiss. I am happy and calm and thrilled to meet her, finally. I am satisfied and so happy (and tired).
So, I, then, sit and imagine I am leaning against Ben... same visual image with the watermelon and my pelvis... and out comes this, gooey, crying little boy. I laugh out loud. I am surprised and happy and laughing at how my body has fooled me! I pull him to my chest and hug, squeeze, kiss and laugh all over him. I am crying because I am so happy and laughing because it is a huge adventure ahead of me.
After the most intense pain of my life... I think I will be happy feeling either way. Having that warm "I have been expecting you" feeling or joyful surprise sounds good to me. When I am visualizing and experiencing those feelings they both feel wonderful. After more than a month of regularly visualizing these two scenarios, I don't believe I have any preference as to whether our child is a boy or a girl.
So, I sit and imagine I am leaning against Ben, who is helping me hold my knees by my shoulders (I don't know if that will really happen or CAN really happen... it is just what I visualize) and I am sweating and feeling an intense pressure and pain as a baby the size of watermelon squeezes through my pelvis and out comes this gooey, crying little girl. I feel (tired) a warm, "I have been expecting you," feeling and bring her to my chest to hold and hug and, yes, kiss. I am happy and calm and thrilled to meet her, finally. I am satisfied and so happy (and tired).
So, I, then, sit and imagine I am leaning against Ben... same visual image with the watermelon and my pelvis... and out comes this, gooey, crying little boy. I laugh out loud. I am surprised and happy and laughing at how my body has fooled me! I pull him to my chest and hug, squeeze, kiss and laugh all over him. I am crying because I am so happy and laughing because it is a huge adventure ahead of me.
After the most intense pain of my life... I think I will be happy feeling either way. Having that warm "I have been expecting you" feeling or joyful surprise sounds good to me. When I am visualizing and experiencing those feelings they both feel wonderful. After more than a month of regularly visualizing these two scenarios, I don't believe I have any preference as to whether our child is a boy or a girl.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Its a...OUTIE!
Well we are half way through the pregnancy and all is well. Annie can eat almost anything and does, like last night. We went to the ball game and she ate half a bag of kettle corn popcorn. It was a really big bag, I have no photo proof of this so I’m sure she will dispute it. Now that Annie is bigger bellied (BB) she needs to actually wear gulp maternity wear. Yesterday as I opened the mailbox I was delighted to see that included in the junk mail was a clothing catalog called Mother Wear. Annie threw it away before I could fully explore the BB wear inside. From what I saw most BB women are on docks by the bay and always seem to be looking into the distance. This is most likely because they are thinking about the future.
One of the most exciting things about Annie and her BB status is that she might, just might grow an outie belly button. We can only hope. I’ve been doing a bit of outie research to find out the cost and social benefits of having an outie.
According to Herodotus the first true outie was recorded in the 5th century. Herodotus writes that “Now it happened that this Candaules was in love with his own wife; and not only so, but thought her the fairest woman in the whole world including her gorgeous outie belly button. This fancy had strange consequences. There was in his bodyguard a man whom he specially favoured, Gyges, the son of Dascylus he with the hairy testicles. All affairs of greatest moment were entrusted by Candaules to this person, and to him he was wont to extol the surpassing beauty of his wife. So matters went on for a while. At length, one day, Candaules, who was fated to end ill, thus addressed his follower: "I see thou dost not credit what I tell thee of my lady's gorgeous outie belly button; but come now, since men's ears are less credulous than their eyes, contrive some means whereby thou mayst behold her gorgeous outie belly button." At this the other loudly exclaimed, saying, "What most unwise speech is this, master, which thou hast uttered? Wouldst thou have me behold my mistress when she is showing her gorgeous outie belly button? Bethink thee that a woman, with her clothes, puts off her bashfulness. Our fathers, in time past, distinguished right and wrong plainly enough, and it is our wisdom to submit to be taught by them. There is an old saying, 'Let each look on his own gorgeous outie belly button.' I hold thy wife for the fairest of all womankind. Only, I beseech thee, ask me not to do wickedly and gaze upon her gorgeous outie belly button."
Herodotus goes on to write that though the outie was know it was not the social norm. He also makes a brief reference to Cleopatra's voluptuous outie.
The next pertinent reference to the outie is that of Henry the 5ths. The well know belly historian Semus McMustus writes in his 1957 treaties The Belly Button and Society that “…Henry had an outie that would end arguments and start them. “ He goes on to note that he had “…no less than 27 belly button cleaners and 4 belly button artist to document the protrusion which he had names Otis.” I find this case to be of most interest because of the fact that Henry was a leader of men and women and the children of these men and women. To command the legions of Italy and have such an outie or if you will permit me to use the formal Otis in reference to his belly button. Then later the French write often of the outie which they refer to in their casual snobbish way Le Belly Boootton.
The outie next “pops up” in popular culture and firmly entrenches itself in our hearts when in Winnie the Pooh episode 234 Thy Name is Winnie , Winnie is seen to sport a firm yet dapper outie. This is most likely in response to the 1941 Trenton World Fair. Winnies outie is not without its controversy, many skeptics think that the outie is being mistaken for a small erection. They hold up as evidence what Winnie does with his outie to Eeyore in episode 237 Eeyore drops the soap. I imagine that this debate will continue, you be the judge.
So as you can see we would be blessed if Annie can achieve outie status. More to come.
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