Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Baby Radar

I’ve been grinning for the past two days because Annie and I went and had our second ultra sound. Baby radar. It was really cool! So let me fill you in on what
happened. We headed out to the doctors office and what do you know I forgot my coffee, so we went back and got my coffee. Last time we went to this office we sat and waited for a long time, so rather than read the latest issue of pregnancy today I thought I would sip coffee. What’s neat about the office is that just about everyone that is in the place is doing the same thing namely baby radar. As each couple disappears into the back rooms of the office another emerges clutching cute little baby pictures. Our first baby radar photos were very much like radar images of a giant squid but we loved them anyhow. I had been told by two other pregnant people that this second go at the B.R. would be just the same, we would have no clue as to what we were looking at. So we went in with low expectations. Once Annie had the correct safety equipment on, goggles etc, and her hand was in a bucket of cold water to help with the transverse photo optical massaging connectivity we were ready to go. The images were great! We could see all the parts and then little malachi started moving. He she had a full stomach and all the tests came out in great!

So then she says, “Ok I’m moving down towards the butt do you guys want to know what it is….?” Over the past week two of our friends found out what they were having and one friend had a baby, so everyone was in the know, why shouldn’t we be. Annie said no. And now that the Ultra was so yesterday I’m glad we don’t know. Although the technician might of slipped up, When she started the ‘sounding’ she said “oh look at him.” I also saw a wiener but that might have been many other things. Then right afterwards we went to the grocery store and as we were checking out the bagger turned to Annie and said “You know it is a girl, right?” So according the bagger at the grocery store and my mother we are having a Girl….The plot thickens…

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