Thursday, April 26, 2007

What to eat during pregnancy?

You know, I realized this past weekend that my pregnancy nutrition would be seriously lacking if Ben wasn't around. He went away to San Francisco and I had to fend for myself... it was peanut butter and honey sandwiches, cereal and leftovers the whole weekend. When Ben is around I eat so well. He has done all of this research on foods I should be eating during my pregnancy to make our child healthy and intelligent. Each week he goes through our Cooking Light cookbook and creates a list for grocery store and then the whole week I eat these wonderfully prepared meals. For instance, Monday Ben made Fish curry and thai rice... last night he made spinach fettucine with bacon... all delicious and full of things I am supposed to consume. I am certainly not the only one being "actively" pregnant. Ben has made a huge effort to play the active partner/father role and I am so lucky. I do like peanut butter sandwiches, though...

1 comment:

Oompahpah said...

that's it! I'm gonna make Ray read this Blog so he learns that Taco Bell and Roundtable Pizza do not a healthy wife make.